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Split Systems


Split systems are great for managing hot and cold areas. Trying to figure out how to get your home to warm up or cool down evenly can be a task. That is where Split systems come in. They can be used in a single space or for multiple rooms. Comfort can be priceless.

Mini-split systems are great for many areas of a property. Garages, sun rooms, porches, family rooms, a mini-split system is a great and easy addition that will provide many years of comfort and smiles. These unit types have remotes, so if you were to use a mini split for multiple spaces, rest assured it will be simple to control. Mini-split systems are incredibly efficient and a great way to keep a constant level of comfort from the elements outside.

Give us a call today to talk about your Split-System options.

Goodman Amana

Split System Replacement

For homeowners that have recently looked into additions for their home, this is a problem they may have encountered — how do they actually keep that room comfortable? Linking the new addition to their home’s existing ductwork can prove an invasive and expensive undertaking that can delay your project. Fortunately, you have a viable alternative to consider — a new ductless mini-split AC unit.

Your new mini split helps keep your isolated rooms and additions as temperate as the rest of your home without having to tear everything out to work it into your existing system. However, when you need mini-split AC repair in Syracuse, NY, HummingBird is here to help keep your home as comfortable as possible.

Split Systems

Ductless Mini-Split Repair Services

When you start looking for a full-service ductless mini-split repair company, finding a team with the ideal combination of experience and proven services to take a load off your mind becomes your top priority. We can help keep your home’s newest additions as temperature controlled as possible. We’ll examine your unit, determine what’s causing the issues, and perform the mini-split AC repairs in Syracuse, NY, that your system needs to run as smoothly as possible.

We don’t stop at mini-split repair services either!

Mini-Split AC Replacement

Sometimes, our mini-split AC repairs in Syracuse, NY, aren’t enough to keep your system running as efficiently as possible. Sometimes it’s too old, suffered too much damage, or isn’t cost-effective in the long run, and you need more drastic action. Fortunately, we can help you select the replacement mini split AC unit your space needs.

Our mini-split contractors will examine your existing unit and determine what type of mini-split AC replacement you need to make your new home addition feel comfortable, no matter the temperature outside. We’ll find the system that fits your space’s unique needs, and our mini split AC installation company will handle the rest.

Mini-Split AC Installation

Whether you have a garage that you spend plenty of time in or have a new addition coming to your home, having a mini-split AC installation company you can rely on can make your new project a comfortable oasis. We work with our customers to get their new system installed quickly and efficiently the first time. Our team takes pride in ensuring your new ductless mini-split AC unit works as intended from start to finish.

New Ductless Mini-Split AC Unit for Your Home

When you get a new replacement mini-split AC unit installed, you want to feel confident that it will be taken care of for the long haul. As these devices get older and put through their paces, you want to get in front of potential issues before they worsen. Our mini-split AC repair specialists in Syracuse, NY, can come to your home, inspect the unit, identify potential problem areas, and make the necessary fixes to keep your additions feeling their best all year round.

Contact Expert Mini-Split Service People

When you need an experienced mini-split repair company, finding one that combines reliability with proven results becomes your top priority. HummingBird team brings decades of experience in the industry with experience with emerging heating and cooling technology to ensure your home stays as comfortable as possible throughout the year.

Our mini-split AC repair specialists in Syracuse, NY, have extensive experience working with our customers to find the ideal HVAC solution for their new home additions.  Contact us to get your initial estimate and schedule an appointment today!